Ülemiste Terminal

Ülemiste Terminal

2014 / I prize /

Category: Public, Competition

Team: Gert Guriev, Markus Kaasik, Riin Kersalu, Kerstin Kivila, Taavi Lõoke, Mihkel Meriste, Andres Ojari, Siim Tiisvelt, Ilmar Valdur

The terminal site sits at the Ülemiste railway station. The new terminal connects Peterburi road side with the modern Ülemiste campus which houses a large number of innovative enterprises.

The red bridge-like terminal above the railway is an attractive landmark, providing a fun experience in departure lounges: the railroad track headed into the distance, with trains coming in under the building.

After winning the competition in 2014 the area we have been working on, has expanded beyond the first entry.
With the new multimodal transport hub, airport and developing Smart City, the area is transforming into the Gate of Estonia. The public space became larger and more relevant. We started working with levels, barriers and edges. Also with intersections between pedestrians, cyclists, cars, buses, trams, trains and airplanes. The urban park now extends to the airport. It was designed so it would be compatible with the park design and terminal entrances.