Ülemiste Concept

Ülemiste Concept

2020 / Concept design / u 455 000 m2

Category: Concept, Planning, Public

Team: Gert Guriev, Karin Harkmaa, Markus Kaasik, Kerstin Kivila, Hanna-Liisa Mõtus, Siim Tiisvelt, Ilmar Valdur

The current work is a vision project for the spatial development of the area between Ülemiste and Tallinn Airport by 2045. The main task was to conceptualise the planning and architectural principles of Ülemiste area on the basis of the extension of the airport as well as the establishment of Rail Baltica terminal and the prospective tunnel between Helsinki and Tallinn.

Our concept envisions a dense urban built-up area overlooking the lake and forming new districts in the entire area.