Paldiski Education Complex
2024 / III prize / 13 510 m2
Authors: Lisette Eriste, Gert Guriev, Markus Kaasik,Sofya Smirnova, Annebritt Rell
The Paldiski Education Campus is shaped by the intriguing encounter between the school building and the community center—a meeting point at the edge of Paldiski, situated in a forgotten wasteland layered with rich historical remnants of the bastion. The school and the community center must connect with the city, which is why the community building extends as a bar from the urban fabric, merging seamlessly with the school building. This union creates a sheltered space, offering protection from the strong coastal winds.
The placement of the building is determined by external conditions, while its structure follows internal logic. The lower sections of the building face the adjacent private residential areas, gradually rising towards the open wasteland. The highest part of the building—the sports hall—serves as a beacon, capturing views of the sea from inside while also acting as a landmark for hikers exploring the bastion ruins. The location of the new school building also takes into account the existing school, allowing students to continue their education in the old building until construction is complete. Once the new school is finished, the old building will be demolished.
The Paldiski Education Campus brings together various institutions under one roof, with separate entrances for different functions. The main entrance to the campus (the community center entrance) is aligned with the central axis of Paldiski, while the school entrances open into a sheltered courtyard, protected from strong winds.
Spaces within the education campus are designed for shared use. Public functions that serve the city’s residents are placed closer to the urban side. The entrances to the community and sports centers are located along the public axis of Rae Street, whereas educational functions and school entrances face the quieter school courtyard.
Primary school children are placed in a safe, enclosed area on the first floor.
Middle and high school students share community center spaces, fostering interaction.
The staircase from the second to the third floor connects middle and high school classrooms, forming a distinct learning environment.
No underground levels were included in the design—all technical rooms are above ground, with the exception of the sunken swimming pool, which subtly breaks the ground level.
Above the swimming pool, on the second floor, are the large sports hall and group training rooms. The sports center is accessible from the main entrance and connects with other public spaces, including the library, café, and concert halls.
At the heart of the building is a public area, integrating the first and second floors into a continuous community space. The café on the first floor, with views of the sea, transitions seamlessly into the library. Visitors can browse books while sitting on the grand stepped seating area, which leads elegantly to the auditorium and the music school’s concert halls.